If I hadn't known this was a Cirque du Soleil production I'd have thought some really creative CGI work was at hand, but this IS A Cirque Di Soleil production so I know better.
Cirque du Soleil have always been masters at pushing our imaginations with the aid of their performers who push our understanding of just what the human body can do. As for this production, the performances are weaved together by another Master of his craft: Sir Ian McKellan as "The Narrator".
I did not find the story to be trite nor the performances to be stale. As with any other Cirque du Soleil experience not filmed in front of a live audience, Cirque du Soleil showcases a few acts by interweaving them into a new storyline for not only fans of but also to give people who had never seen a Cirque du Soleil production in person a sense of what they are all about.
While I will agree with a few comments as to the length of the video, there is an old show business adage: always leave 'em wanting more...and that they have done!
The storyline, the costumes, the characters, the music, the prrformances...for these eyes it was all top notch and didn't disappoint.