I was a tyke when this came out but had already seen plenty of old cartoons and was intrigued with the idea of so many characters from older Hanna-Barbera cartoons gathered into one show, namely taking place on an ark-like helicopter traveling to different places. But this is not a travel show, but a situation where they travel to different places and meet a new villain each time, supposedly a good person but secretly representing an evil (dishonesty, sloppiness, wastefulness, etc.); and Yogi and crew are initially taken in by these people then realize the consequences.
While there is fun in how the villains trick Yogi and crew into misbehaving and rationalizing such behavior, the problem with the show is that you would think Yogi and company would be wise enough not to be tricked so easily in many instances, and even little kids are aware that sometimes the villains win and the good guys fail. And the cartoons Yogi and company originally appeared in were not morality plays themselves.
So how did this cartoon even come about as it did? Another reviewer pointed out that the group Action For Children's Television was formed in 1968 to lobby the television industry to move commercial television from entertainment to educational, and it had some success in the 1970's, though that would change when television would become deregulated. Even those who hate Ronald Reagan should thank him for making cartoons entertaining again.