It has been almost two decades since I saw this film, and I enter my comments only because nobody else has. I don't trust my memory much, but it's better than nothing.
_Asparagus_, as I recall it, was a beautiful dreamlike sequence of psychedelic images, with no clear plot or action. A woman discovers her own power and womanhood by working magic on her environment -- perhaps.
Many of the images were of receding perspectives of stage curtains and scenery, rolling back and opening to reveal successive depths; perhaps this can be compared to the vaginal symbolism in Judy Chicago's installation _The Dinner Party_, with which this film is approximately contemporary.
The music was also dreamlike and its slow progression fit the slow evolution of the images on screen.
The film is definitely _adult_ animation; parents should view it before deciding whether to present it to their children.
I hope someone who has seen _Asparagus_ more recently than I will take a moment to provide a more cogent review.