Not sure why it's not a believable script since it IS based on a true story.
This is the true story of a distraught mother who turns to the cop next door after her five-year-old daughter is murdered.
She comes to the terrifying conclusion that the killer is someone she knows.
The real names are here-
David Woodward is about the last person anyone expected to be accused of Amanda Shaffer's murder. The devoted father of two sons was among the dozens of people who searched for the 5-year-old girl when she disappeared in 1986 from the Goddard Mobile Home Manor, where both lived. As with all residents of the trailer park, Woodward was questioned and then dismissed as a suspect when Amanda disappeared, authorities said. Woodward had no record of any kind with law enforcement agencies. Children were a part of his life. His backyard pool was a magnet for the children who live in the 20-unit trailer park, neighbors said Sunday. He would stay home from work to care for his children when they were ill, said Milton Myers, police chief at Wichita State University, where Woodward worked. Woodward wrote a letter within the past year to the WSU newspaper, The Sunflower, berating the state's adoption system as so cumbersome that it prevented willing couples from caring for children needing a home. ''He was a quiet guy. He kept to himself. But he seemed all right," said Richard Medcalf, who lives in a neighboring trailer.