The fourth instalment in the successful Hong Kong movie series Aces Go Places. After a disappointing third outing, where writer and co-star Karl Maka's writing seemed laboured, the familiar cast (Hui, Maka, Chang) make for a hilarious return to form. As before, the Cantonese version features more puns than the dubbed English one.
There's a lot of fun, combining the usual action elements with humour - just sit back and enjoy the ride, and switch off the brain.
The movie has been credited with increasing the emigration of nervous Hong Kong citizens (fearing the communist takeover) to New Zealand. You Only Die Twice, as this fourth instalment was called in some countries, was filmed largely in New Zealand, featuring that country's beautiful scenery.
There is little logic and plenty of slapstick silliness, which fans of the series will enjoy. The hockey game features some big-name character actors in the audience, familiar to Hong Kong moviegoers. There is an enjoyable car chase in New Zealand - although how a car can leave Auckland Harbour Bridge and arrive in Wellington (which can be nine hours' drive to the south in reality) in a few seconds is not explained.
One should stress to less familiar readers that You Only Die Twice is not of the Jackie Chan ilk. Although action-packed, the movie is primarily a comedy. The original Aces Go Places was based around a Dick Emery film.
Ronald Lacey makes an unlikely choice as villain, most likely for the sake of parody above all else. His bald henchman makes a interesting rival to Maka's own bald character, as well as his son, who perhaps is the best actor of the lot!