Brides of Blood is a cheap and cheerful production but also one with a lot of problems. The plot synopsis actually makes it sound like you might be in for something rather enjoyable; but while the film definitely does have it's moments, they are few and far between and usually in the middle of a load of torrid and boring scenes. The film focuses on a primitive island where years earlier there were experiments with radioactive bombs. We follow a team who goes to the island in order to research the after-effects of the bomb as well as help the locals to build a village. However, there have been some unexpected side effects. The main problem with the film is that it really lacks a point; there's plenty of horror shown and it's actually quite inventive but it's not got any perspective. The special effects look extremely cheap and are unlikely to impress anyone; but they're fun to watch and directors Gerardo de Leon and Eddie Romero (no relation to George) have not let the budget hold them back as the effects are plentiful. Ironically though, it's the main monster that looks the most awful of all - it's unlikely to frighten anyone that is for sure! As mentioned, the plotting is all over the place and as such the film can be a bit boring at times, which is a shame and to be honest; I never really cared how it would all end. Overall, this does have some good moments; but it's not a good film and I wouldn't recommend anyone goes out their way to check it out!