Six people break into the Century Furniture factory. San Francisco Police Lieutenant Virgil Tibbs (Sidney Poitier) is called in to investigate a dead executive. Nothing else is reported missing. The group of vastly different people reveals themselves to the trustworthy Tibbs. They had stolen a large stash of heroin from the factory in an attempt to overthrow a secret drug ring. They had kidnapped the executive but he was alive when they left.
This is the third and last movie for the iconic Virgil Tibbs who was first introduced in the hit movie, In the Heat of the Night. These sequels missed the point of the original and they paid dearly for it. As for this story, there are some inconsistencies. The group is trying to end the drug trade and one would expect them to destroy the heroin after showing it to Tibbs. Once one of them is tracked down by the Organization, the group's first priority should be to flush the drugs and I don't understand why he would go to Washington Square. A lot of the group's actions make no sense. The dialogue is pretty clunky and the flaws in the writing is too constant. At least, it's a little better than the second movie.