Eva Thatcher has moved to a small town boarding house to seek peace and quiet. All too soon she finds herself in a Keystone movie, where there's everything but.
In fact, I've looked at this movie twice and been unable to discern anything in the way of a plot to it besides rough doings, expertly performed. Even the small child wandering around the bank safe winds up being kicked, but it's by a lady, so I suppose that's all right. The safe having been emptied and the child kicked again -- presumably for luck -- Ethel Teare and her Svengali, Mack Swain, are off to the big city to spend the loot. There, by a series of coincidences, everyone meets everyone else again and dirty doings are soon afoot. The whole thing ends in everyone chasing after Mack Swain, and some beautiful automobile stuntwork.
It looks like a burlesque of some popular stage play, but for the life of me, I can't tell what it is. There's one guy who drinks five bottles of champagne. That, I suppose, is what the title is about.