YEAR EIGHT is an odd film filled with quirky, depraved characters and situations. At it's heart, it's a dysfunctional family movie mixed with a sex slave ring suspense thriller. And while I can't accuse the movie of being boring, I can't say I walked away feeling particularly satisfied either. The biggest fault lies in the acting. There's some real awkward line delivery throughout that discredits any attempt at taking the film's heavy subject matter seriously. In fact, there are times where I scratched my head wondering if this was supposed to be a serious drama or a comedy. While there are some strong performances that are commendable (Jeanne Young is great as the co-star as is Boynton Paek in a supporting role as a sadistic john) and the production values are sound, too many times I felt like I was watching more of a Tommy Wiseau movie than a Michael Fredinalli movie. A misfire from what was an otherwise great year for Wild Dogs Productions.