The anime is based on a manga focused on a boy named Kai who wants to play the Piano. Having already read the manga and enjoying it quite a bit I was excited to see an anime being released. The coming of age plot although not original or perfect kept me hooked at the start.
I am not much into music and have no idea of Piano or classical music. Initially, I was enjoying a few of the scores, but the repetition of the same does get tiring, the same were easier to browse over in manga format. Others may find listening to music as the highlight but that was not the case for me.
The animation itself was good overall but the close up of the characters while they play the Piano is terrible, the art shifts from 2D to 3D, from old style color painting to clunky 3d characters, this was not needed and bought down the overall watch experience for me.
Season One (7/10) The first season of twelve episodes seems more fun and better paced with the background development of the main character.
Season Two (4/10) The second season seems to be a big drag, the focus on other characters and their life only prolonged the already dull storytelling, the repetition of the same music over and over again in a competition didn't help the matter much. Did love the ending but I do feel the anime should have been shortened instead of staying true to the manga.