Why was this movie made? Who was it intended for? What was the actual POINT?
Honestly, what a stupid film. I don't give 1s often, but I could find no redeeming value in this dumb thing. Generally, an homage is a loving tribute with similarities to the original and typically some knowing, humorous wink to the audience that yeah, we know you get that we're just showing our affection for the original.
"Inverted" is-and I'm making the logical assumption here-a throwback to 70s horror exploitation movies. You know, the kind Rodriguez and Tarantino are so fond of. You expect splatter, cheapness, ridiculous script, dumb plot, bad acting, sex stuff. But you expect the homage to intentionally emphasize these things-not to take it particularly seriously. And here's where "Inverted" goes really wrong. Because it's like the director started off with the idea of an homage...then had the bad idea of merging it into a "serious" film.
It had the splatter, cheapness, ridiculous script, dumb plot, bad acting and sex stuff. But the bad acting wasn't tongue-in-cheek-we-KNOW-we're acting bad but it's supposed to sound like that. It was just seriously BAD ACTING. Just terrible. The sex stuff was beyond what would be shown in the 70s. The entire plot wasn't just dumb, but stupid nonsense. And although this clocks in at just over 90 minutes, it drags on for so long it makes "Heaven's Gate" feel brief. I cannot believe I managed to watch the whole putrid thing-although "watched" might be a slight stretch since I started looking at my phone within the first 10minutes-but I knew I wanted to write a review since there was only one other when I saw it and I felt it deserved more. To warn you not to waste your time. Because that's all it is.
Why was this film made? Dunno. How did it get funding? Dunno. Should this director continue in his line of work? I wouldn't recommend it.