The premise of the show is very interesting, giving us the villian point of view is maybe not new, but since the begining is made clear that the "heroes" aren't always very heroic and the "villians" sometimes do well, something not new for a mature audience of series and movies that aren't exactly what people will call "cartoons", so the real improvement is using a new format to express this realistic idea.
By the date I'm writing the first parragraph of this review on June 17th 2022, there are only 6 episodes and it seems to be a lot going on behind the scenes, plenty of questions are in front of us like: What exactly is Demencia? Why does Flug use a bag in his head? Why Flug said he usually has nightmares? Why is Demencia connected with reptiles? Why is Flug connected with airplanes? What's all with the Black Charro thing? How would Goldheart try to attack Black Hat Organization?, the show really goes outside the tv/streaming screen having websites and even social media for some characters, but I like to stick to only the episodes to solve things, needless to say, to my knowledge, none of the questions are really answered there, the lore of the show seems and feels very rich, I hope it's the case, but only time will tell.
If you recently discovered this show please give it a chance, the pilot is in youtube both english and spanish, you have my word that the show is good, specially the 6th episode.
This review will probably be edited and improved when more episodes are realeased.