In the Quarry (2019) is a Uruguay thriller that I recently watched on Prime. The storyline follows a couple that go on a trip to a quarry camping out with some friends. A strange tension forms between the couples until someone snaps and things get out of hand...
This movie is co-written and directed by Rafael and Bernardo Antonaccio in their major motion picture debut. This stars Paula Silva (Ghosting Gloria), Rafael Beltrán (Milonga) and Augusto Gordillo Lisboa.
This is a movie that takes way too long to get going. There storyline just drags and the ending was a let down. The entire film is shot at one location. The first hour of the movie is just swimming and talking; however, when things start happening I was entertained. There are some good scenes with a knife and a solid fishing hook sequence 🎣. Those elements were done well. This does have subtitles.
Overall, this movie drags and takes too long before anything happens. I would score this a 3/10 and recommend skipping it.