Both are by Alex Pina, and both feature his insanely enjoyable over-the-top narratives AND awesome dynamo Alba Flores. The first two seasons of this show are self-contained story, following the imprisonment of Macarena (Maggie Civantos), and her transformation into a capable prison survivor. One part of the story follows a crazy caper outside the jail involving Macarena's family and stolen money, while the other focuses on the prison conflicts and is filled with some great characters and performances among the incarcerated, particularly Flores and Najwa Nimri as Zulema. The show also includes impromptu interview segments in a documentary format that provides some lighter moments with the characters as the story itself gets dark. The third season moves beyond the original premise and is just as enjoyable. The show is both lurid and touching at the same time, a whole lot of fun, and other than Prisoner of Cell Block H, easily the best women in prison show ever. UPDATE: I have now seen all four seasons, including the series finale. It is a lovely show about survival in the face of brutality, about keeping hold of yourself when a system is designed to strip you away from yourself. The finale ties everything together so wonderfully. A perfect TV show with great women in it.