Let's be fair to Lionsgate: while their offering of animated movies are on average really bad, some of their animated movies are so bad it's good. This is one such example. Deep may be bad, but it deserves credit for being what it is worth.
The animation is technically top-notch for a low budget animated movie although some character animation leaves to be desired. The story, while being a straight up Nemo ripoff, is weird and wonderful. Maybe a little bit too dark for a kids movie, I guess?
My biggest problem is without a question the characters themselves. I felt Deep as a character is wholly undeveloped. He kept on making reckless decisions that jeopardise the safety of him and his friends, yet still does not repent on his actions. His voice is also annoying and I had no idea who voiced him, but regardless, I enjoyed the antagonists, especially Norma the vampire squid and of course, William Salyers (the voice actor of Regular Show's Rigby) as Darcy the penguin. Speaking of, can you imagine Rigby and Crash Bandicoot (Jess Harnell voiced Luigi the walrus) as two of the antagonists? I can't.
Also, there is some scientific inaccuracies that might piss some moviegoers off. For instance, how on earth can the heroes operate a New York subway car... underwater? I know this is a kids movie and some stuff does not have to be accurate, but come on.
The songs are without a doubt so bad it's good material and are definitely worth listening to... (in Jeremy Jahns's voice) if you are drunk.
Overall, if you pretend Deep is not a Nemo ripoff, you'll going to have a good time. Kids will enjoy it, but animated movie buffs like me will enjoy this movie more with good company, food and drink, and a good laugh. If you need an animated movie for a bad animated movie night, this should be on top of the list.
(Watched the movie online)