The Tale is a drama film directed by Jennifer Fox. The film stars Laura Dern, Ellen Burstyn, Jason Ritter, Elizabeth Debicki, Isabelle Nélisse, Common and Frances Conroy.
While filming a documentary on child victims of rape, the documentary maker finds herself re-evaluating her childhood relationships with her riding instructor and her running coach.
The tale is undoubtedly one of the brave and brilliant film to make and it requires a lot's of courage to touch such a disturbing and sensitive subject and the director deserves a kudos for this film as she had highlighted a very sensitive and important matter that too without making the film controversial and handled the film remarkably well.
For a film to get successful the most important aspect is it's cast and the cast in this film is superbly marvelous and deserves an applause. I have read most of the viewers appreciating Laura Dern for her impeccable powerful performance but Elizabeth Debicki and Isabelle Nélisse deserves an equal appreciation for their superb performance.
Screenplay of the film is decent but gets slow in between primarily due to the subject of the film. Climax of the film is good and gives a decent closure to the film. A must watch film.