This film begins with a woman by the name of "Sonika" (Surveen Chawla) being buried alive in a coffin and placed in a cemetery to slowly suffocate to death. Fortunately, the groundskeeper there hears a noise and digs her out just in time. Naturally, in a state of complete shock she is taken to the hospital and put in a room that is closely guarded until the inspector on the case, "Anton Varghese" (Siddharth Kher) has a chance to obtain a statement. However, what Inspector Varghese doesn't quite realize is that Sonika's attempted murderer is an extremely well-connected politician who essentially owns every crooked cop in Mumbai and he has no intention of allowing her to talk. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film had a really good start but seemed to lose its momentum after the first 30 minutes or so. Likewise, when it finally got back on track some of the scenarios lacked the necessary realism. Having said that, while I don't believe that this was a bad sequel by any means, it wasn't nearly as good as its predecessor and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Average.