Oy. The internet decided to freshen up last night, and poof went my review.
I broke the silence on Shtisel 8 years ago, so it's probably only fair that... 4 episodes in and here's the skinny: you are here because you fell in love with Kive, Shulem et al and, rest assured, your heart will not be broken.
The progeny, older than the parent, is faithful to the sharp writing, emotional depth and moral subtleties. The acting, too, is as excellent. The ambiance lacks the warmth of a simple Jerusalem street, but the cooler cinematography is just as well characterized.
You might be worried that the creative spark, known to be extinguished by off spinning of different kind, is no more. It is, more. We know a bit about the future, which adds some mysterious zest to every scene. But this past stands on its own feet. The stories and personages embrace you quickly and securely. If this were born first, its human pace would shine just as brightly.
The showrunner must be one of those legendary humans that are very good at a thing, and know what that thing is. We are lucky to be around.
9.5/10 (0.5 goes to the burnt part of the kugel)