I recently watched the Indonesian film 🇮🇩 Monster (2023) on Netflix. The storyline follows two friends who are kidnapped after school, thrown into a trunk, and driven to a remote mountainside shack. One of the friends manages to escape, but instead of fleeing, she sneaks back into the house to try and rescue her friend from the monster...
Directed by Rako Prijanto (The Clerics), the film stars Marsha Timothy (The Raid 2), Alex Abbad (The Raid 2), Anantya Kirana (Beautiful Pain), and Sultan Hamonangan (Tira).
Monster is a film with a solid concept that could have been executed better. The opening does a great job of setting up the circumstances, with a strong atmosphere and minimal dialogue that suits the premise. However, while the setup is effective, the intensity is lacking. The horror and torture elements fall short, with a chainsaw sequence that could have been much more impactful. The storyline and conclusion are fairly straightforward and predictable.
In conclusion, Monster has a solid premise but stumbles in its execution. I would rate it a 5/10 and recommend it only with tempered expectations.