Best Australian-directed film I'v seen for a while - Michael Rowe's EARLY WINTER.
Set in English and French speaking Canada, this is a chilling relationship drama with a fantastic eye. Unlike our local industry's use of cinemascope, Rowe uses the frame to tell a story, rather than throw arty dead-space at the audience. These are meticulously composed shots with long takes that frame great atmospheric, dramatic sequences.
The film is also a huge lesson in screen acting. The lead actress would normally do four takes based on the script, then say "Ok, now its my turn" and start improvising. The results are superb and perhaps something that couldn't be written on the page.
Why don't we make films as good as this locally (in Australia)? Well Rowe thinks its because bureaucrats know nothing about how to make a good film.. In the FINAL CUT interview, Rowe talks about the system being "afraid of directors". Great interview, check it out.
If you want to be proud of a local artist's work - seek out EARLY WINTER. Order the DVD or stream it its available through JB, Fishpond, ebay. Don't think about it, make it the top of your watch list.
If you want to be inspired by what a local artist has to say - listen to his interview in ABC Radio National THE FINAL CUT where he lays out his vision