well, here's the thing when you watched this film. the actor is a very famous one, although not quite likable in certain way, but at least a good Scandinavian actor if you could give him a good screenplay to perform. but if you gave him a clueless script or even a bit ridiculous and clueless one, all he could do was follow the traffic flow, the direction of the storyline to move along or, maybe going nowhere. in this film, we got another aluminum suit case, a larger one than the one in 'ronin', to be goofed around in car trunks or to be carried along by the actor across borders to certain people. what's in it? you'd ask. the answer is 'none of your business. just watch and keep guessing; that's the beauty or ugliness of it." a regular passenger mid-sized or even small sized car by vw would have big enough horse power to follow, to catch up or even to intercept an over-a-hundred thousand $$$$ sports car? like all those mini coopers in 'the Italian job'? givemeabreak, will you?