The first eighty percent of this film was excellent - it felt like the best Stephen King story that King didn't write. The slow destruction of the life of an ordinary man for reasons which were completely outside his control was well-conceived, well-plotted and well acted. Nicholas Cage's performance was pitch perfect.
To an extent, this film can be seen as a satirical condemnation of social media fame and cancel culture, though that's secondary to the theme of mounting paranoia - both from Prof Matthews and the wider world.
The fact that this film started out as a project of Ari Aster is no surprise, as it has much in common with Beau is Afraid - notably the hapless and powerless central character and some surreal and blackly comic moments.
Then, in the last fifteen minutes or so, the film loses its way. A new element is brought in which pretty much undermines what had gone before. The result wasn't bad, exactly, but seemed to belong in a different film. I think it would've been better if the film had had the courage of its convictions and followed Prof Matthews to his logical fate.
For all that, it's an interesting film, and I would urge you to see it.