Santa tells the story of "that Christmas", his most difficult Christmas ever. Set in Wellington-on-Sea, England, we follow a bunch of characters whose plans are altered by a fierce snowstorm.
Danny has a crush on Sam but doesn't have the courage to tell her. Danny's Dad was supposed to visit them for the holidays, but he can't make it because of the storm. With his mom having to work on Christmas Day, Danny faces being alone on Christmas.
A Group of parents become stuck in the blizzard, while their children also face spending Christmas without them, but - undaunted - the kids plan on making it their best Christmas ever. There's the twins Sam and Charlie, of which one is nice while the other one is naughty - or is she really?
Ah, and then there's MS Trapper, who might come across as a strict and somewhat unpleasant teacher, but there's far more to this character than meets the eye! And somewhere in there is Santa, who is trying his best to spread the Christmas spirit.
'About Christmas' is a feel-good movie for the whole family. The stunning animation will appeal to young and old. The film is funny overall, but the subtle humour was by far the funniest!