A german comedy - I can hear many sighs and I can even hear all the heads shaking in disbelief or rather in expecting dissapointment. Now I have to admit I wasn't expecting much either from the movie - I even thought the main character would have been played by a different actor (not that I was hoping for Elyas to be in it, I just somehow thought he was).
But while on the subject of actors: they actually are the ones who make this work. The script is well done too - now you always have to consider the genre this is playing in. Yes there are also cliches, yes there are flaws. But you can either concentrate on the negative or you can just sit back and enjoy something that is light hearted, has a neat little message to it (again do not be offended too easily).
Added outtakes during the credits show what you probably thought while watching: they had a lot of fun making this. And you can have a lot of fun watching it ... don't rob yourself of it - no pun intended.