Float is a new romantic drama directed and partly written by Sherren Lee. This is her directorial debut and has previously only directed short films and TV episodes.
Waverly (Andrea Bang) thinks she has already figured out her own future. However, she decides to change her plans after she meets lifeguard Blake (Robbie Arnell). Especially after he saved her when she almost drowned.
When Blake learns that Waverly can't really swim, he decides to teach her. During these swimming lessons, the two fall in love, but have to see if they can compare each other's past and future plans.
Besides the fact that this is her directorial debut, Sherren Lee is also still a novice as a screenwriter for films. Unfortunately, the same also applies to the other writers of this film. This makes the film quickly seem a bit simple and later uninteresting. The writers find it difficult to keep the film afloat.
They further based the film on the popular Wattpad teen novel by Kate Merchant. This story has been read more than 25.5 million times by Wattpad users. Despite this popular side, filming this story was perhaps a bit unnecessary.
Andrea Bang and Robbie Arnell perform their roles well, but they lack real chemistry together. This makes you as a viewer care little about their relationship.