This film was a true pleasure to watch! The story has heart and the dancing is spot on. Sure, the acting isn't exactly the best in the world, but what do you expect from an independent dance flick? B-Girl certainly beats the ridiculous plot lines and abysmal acting of Step-Up 2&3 (and probably the upcoming 4...we shall see). I've heard better dialogue, but it didn't bore me to death and it wasn't so cheesy as to make me want to throttle the screenwriter.
B-Girl is definitely worth 83 minutes of your time. Don't let reviewers who are sadly misinformed about the history of breaking and clearly out of touch with current trends in dance(coughclaywebb79cough)put you off of this film. B-Girl is a heartfelt story set in a beautiful backdrop(there's some gorgeous graffiti). The choreography is excellent and the dancers straight up kill it! I give B-Girl a 7 of 10.