"In Her Mother's Footsteps" begins with Kate Nolan (Emma Caulfield) inheriting her wealthy father's house. She, her husband, Bobby Nolan (David Orth), and her daughter, Emma Nolan (Matreya Fedor) move into their new upper-class home. They seemed a well-suited pair. Kate was an attractive woman, with a daughter by a previous marriage. After her first husband died, Kate and Bobby were married, with Bobby adopting Emma as his daughter. Bobby was a good-looking man and appeared to be an excellent husband and father. It seemed as if the romance was still there in their marriage. It looked as if their family-life in their new home was set for a smooth run, but things did not work out that way.
Within a short time after their move, it seemed as though Bobby had begun to neglect his wife and daughter. He was almost always calling home because he had to work late. Kate didn't seem to complain, but was sometimes disappointed. During these times while Bobby was away, though, it seemed like the house was possessed. Kate was always seeing visions of murders, gruesome murders, that would not go away. No matter how much she tried to rationalize the situation, she no longer thought it, but 'knew' that the house was possessed. It had to be that, or else she was losing her mind. Bobby made her promise to see her psychiatrist, and she kept her promise, but it was like a waste of her time. These visions still plagued her. Her therapy sessions had begun after the death of her first husband, and she was still taking medication that the doctor had prescribed for her. When these visions kept haunting her, she would just take another pill, hoping that it would make everything normal again.
She hated that house! She didn't care about how much money it was worth; she just wanted it gone and to be rid of it! After a while though, it was like the house and the visions were trying to tell her something. From this point on, the movie entails every twist, surprise, factor, and character imaginable! Even though everything had to be crammed into a couple of hours, the movie was still put together with short scenes that left nothing missing. It still allowed the audience to know what was going on and made sense. "In Her Mother's Footsteps" is labeled Suspense/Thriller, but I think that you can also throw 'Horror' into that categorization as well.
In my opinion, the movie is fantastic! I'd say that it deserves a '10!' I've never before seen a movie such as this on LMN. When you think of LMN movies, you think of dramas, true stories, some suspense movies, and the like. The visions of these murders, in the movie, are very graphic. If you can't stand the site of blood, then I suggest you not watch it. "In Her Mother's Footsteps" is not for the squeamish! The movie is exciting, thrilling, very suspenseful, somewhat scary, gory, and it's alive! Selecting Emma Caulfield, as Kate, was a good choice. There's nothing phony about her acting; she's for real. The special effects were great. And the movie doesn't drag on before getting to know the characters and plot. The ending is a total surprise! It leaves you with all differing emotions. It's one of the best television movies produced lately!