i remember i had this game back when Microsoft still had MS DOS computers (1991) what makes this game a collector's item is that it's a game similar to Prince of Persia one & two with one-shot areas. also it appears to be based more on the graphic novels rather than the old crappy 1987 TV show, although Bebop & Rocksteady were bosses in two missions where they're joined with the mafia, purple dragons & FOOT. Leatherhead is also a boss where he's mind controlled by Baxter Stockman (who is sadly caucasian instead of his original African American) triceratons are also included invading a factory & stealing, the only bosses include a triceraton gunman, a triceraton in a rocket-suit, & three gunman with a rocket soldier before them. one of the few original enemies include mouse/cat gangsters lead by a rat don, a terrorist controlling large black robots & spider-like droids & Tatsu from the movies who is first fought in a Asian town & at Shredder's tower. when all missions are finished, you go to Shredder's tower. each boss is a foot member with the same weapon as the turtles, first is a master black-belt with a BO staff, Karia with nunchaku, Tatsu with sai, & a samurai with dual katana blades. when you beat all of them, you must battle the Shredder who is pretty easy. the game ends with a video of the turtles taking Shredder to a police officer, & they celebrate with a barbecue along with Master Splinter, April O'Neil & Casey Jones. nowadays Konami & Peter Laird probably have forgotten about this game which is now free to download. get this game if you can, it's the best.