"Seeing Other People" is all about DINKs Alice (Nicholson) and Ed (Mohr) who have lived together for years and decide to try other sex partners before tying the knot. This obviously contrived premise yields an abundance of the same old relationship problems we've all seen before a zillion times giving the film the familiarity of old news as opposed to old friends. On the downside, this conversational flick uses a plethora of stereotypical side characters and plenty of not-so-subtle sex talk for filler while Ed and Alice are clumsily making their last ditch effort to get some "strange". On the upside, the writing is sufficiently insightful and fresh to create enough moments of humor and fun to make for a worthwhile small screen watch. With average marks from critics and public, "SOP" will play best with younger adult females. Keep expectations real. (B-)