Okay, as far as I can see, most of these comments are on the morality or lack thereof of this show and the utter lack of acting talent. While I fully support anyone who questions the credibility of this show or questions the ability of the actors and actresses to act, I do not agree that this show is something horribly immoral and wrong. Morals are relative, not clearly defined by one person. Sex isn't illegal, and many people question their sexuality and experiment at some point in their lives. MTV has in fact abandoned playing music most of the time, but as most people know this, they should refrain from watching it unless they want to see something that's not music. Also, if teenage sex and homosexuality/sexual experimentation is something that bothers you or offends your morals, don't watch MTV (most of the time) or this show. However, those of us who don't care much about the educational value of a TV show (it rots all of our brains anyway) or the blatant sex (non-nudity) can watch this show all we want. Not all shows have to serve a purpose. Sometimes they just are. And this one is pretty darn fun to watch.