The story in this Movie revolves around two lovers, handsome Rajesh (Aamir Khan) and charming Asha (Juhi Chawla), who love each other. They are students of the same college and studying in the same class. Rajesh's father Mr. Chowdhry (Shafi Inamdar) and Asha's father Mr. Agarwal (Tiku Talsania) are well known rival builders.
A situation leads to the father's knowing about the children's involvement with each other and hence they restrict their moments. This leads the young lovers to revolt, and they elope with each other. The father's are left with nothing more than to make police complaints.
This movie was actually not terribly bad. I love Aamir Khan and perhaps that is altering my review. But this movie truly did not deserve such harsh reviews. This movie was charming, Aamir and Juhi are a great pair, has the classic cops and robbers tale told through a treasure hunt. And it has got twists here and there that make it even more entertaining. I admit that there is a section towards the end that may be boring for some viewers, but if you stick with it you will not be disappointed. That I promise.