"Des Majorettes Dans L'Espace" can easily be mistaken for a jumble of images only brought together by a very sharp commentary; in fact, they have been carefully chosen and form a perfectly coherent whole. This film is an extraordinary example of how the medium can actually be used to convey ideas without necessarily having to embed them in a sequential narration. A literary equivalent I can think of right away is those short stories of Borges or Calvino which are not quite stories but rather something between a story and an essay. "Majorettes" would be closer to Calvino (if an actual comparison of the kind were valid - it isn't, on that level) because of the humour. You start by laughing your head off because of the tremendous wit on display; by the end, you'll still be laughing - but some extremely serious issues will have been brought up. That it is left to the viewers to sit up and take notice if they want to is just another way in which "Majorettes" manages to bring entertainment and intellectual stimulation together.