Set around 1989, "Curse of the Crystal Eye" begins with Luke Ward (Parker) saving the young daughter of an Arab. The father gives Ward the "Crystal Eye" in gratitude for his service. The eye turns out to be a relic that leads Ward and a team of adventurers on a search for the fabled treasure of Ali Baba. The group must endure desert marauders, rival treasure hunters, cunning traps, a harsh environment, and more in their quest for vast riches.
Sadly, "Curse of the Crystal Eye" is a poorly crafted film loaded with logic problems and inconsistencies. The storyline is weak, the editing choppy, continuity very poor, music at times abrasive and out of place, and performances wooden. The latter is especially unfortunate since both of the main cast members, Jameson Parker and Cynthia Rhodes, have put in solid work in the past. Most viewers cannot help but notice the influence of the Indiana Jones film series on this effort. There is little redeeming here; those who want a solid adventure film need not check out "Curse of the Crystal Eye."