This was shown in TMC, so I guessed it must have sone redeeming quality, despite being a cacophonous and eye wounding melange of noise and colour, I almost abandoned it after my ears were beset by the sound of men and women screaming ( no apparent reason for this) followed me sone guy yelling " rape me" and the N-word.
There is a story of sorts but so much of the dialogue is either mumbled or drowned out by flute music that it was unclear what was being said.
Some ofvthe rare unaccompanied dialogue revealed that the story was a vehicle fir cliches which were tired long before this film was made.
The protagonist is struggling with it seems, PTSD. It's nice ndiqgnosed and untreated after eight years. His girl has a huge chip on her shoulder, or maybe a bag of them.the flashbacks to Vietnam show peasants under great stress, however, because this is actual footage, not re-enactments, it emphasizes how faux a lot of the protagonists supposed problems are.
This film originally got no distribution, but after seeing it I'm not at all surprised as it's one of the least commercial and dullest films I can remember. It's the sort of stuff that people who would never walk out on a film, would walk out of.
The politics expressed are more 70's than 80's, endless rants about " the man". It was not clear what the point was, but it took too long to realize " you've been took".