Jackie Chan was Born to be a Star, or perhaps more Down to Earth, He made Himself a Star with Hard Work, Dedication, and Determination.
This Hong-Kong Feature became an International Hit with its Death-Defying Daring-Do. Incredible Practical Stunts that most in the Industry would say are Impractical as Jackie Performed and Audiences were Amazed.
As Likeable as any Action Hero, He Delivered a Half-Action, Half-Comedy Extravaganza on a Limited Budget with Unlimited Appeal.
Predictably the Extensive Comedy-Slap-Stick bits are an Acquired Taste, especially Considering the Cross-Cultural Limitations.
Overall, Arguably the Best of Jackie Chan can be Seen here and the Glory is Captured on New Transfers that are as Pristine as it gets in the World of Home HD Video.
One of the Highlights of the 1980's and Action Fans (and their dates) Responded with Overwhelming Praise as He Launched a Stellar Career that Survives to this Day.
Few have Embraced the Love of Craft more than this Dynamo as it is Evident in Every Jackie Chan Movie and His Fans Eat it Up.