Adiós Amigo (1975) is a movie I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a righteous Cowboy whose life gets complicated when he runs into a con man and is continuously blamed for his misdeeds and empty promises. They quickly become friends and work together, but will they stay together or cross each other to get out of their constant jams?
This movie stars is directed by Fred Williamson (One Down, Two to Go) and also stars Richard Pryor (Harlem Nights), James Brown (Sands of Iwo Jima), Robert Phillips (The Dirty Dozen) and Mike Henry (Smokey and the Bandit).
The cast in this is awesome. There are some unique elements like the way the artwork is incorporated into the film. The soundtrack was also pretty good. Pryor and Williamson played off each other well, though I will say there's too many scene where the camera just zooms in on Pryor's face and reactions to circumstances. The opening scene where Pryor meets and frees Williamson was probably my favorite.
Overall this is a fairly average addition to the genre that's still a must see...because anything with Pryor is a must see. I would score this a 6/10 and strongly recommend seeing it once.