The title roles in The Younger Brothers are played by Wayne Morris, Bruce Bennett, Robert Hutton, and Jim Brown. All but Hutton have been released from prison for their many crimes back in the day with Jesse James and his brother Frank and without. They're on parole and are looking for a pardon from the state of Minnesota and then to return to Missouri where they're still regarded as heroes.
They've got a lot to look forward to, especially Bruce Bennett who has Geraldine Brooks waiting for him. Morris as Cole Younger and the leader of the brothers and he's got a girl waiting for him to. Janis Paige has plans for the brothers and they don't include raising crops.
She'd like to lure them, especially Morris into a life of crime again and Janis has the wherewithal to do the luring. In fact she's the best thing in The Younger Brothers.
The brothers have another problem though, a Javert like former Pinkerton man who walks with a limp, courtesy of a Younger bullet back in the day played by Fred Clark. He's out to put them back in stir or hang them even better and he's not too squeamish about what he has to do.
The Younger Brothers is a routine B western from Warner Brothers using that tried and true formula back in the day of taking real life figures from the old west and fashioning wholly fictional plots around them. The Younger Brothers is not the best or the worst of this kind to emerge from Hollywood back then.