I believe this is the worst OUR GANG film of the late thirties - and I've seen GENERAL SPANKY, TIME OUT FOR LESSONS, DOG DAZE and every other entry from 1935 - 1939. No other can touch the astounding badness of TINY TROUBLES. The drop in quality between this film and the decent ALFALFA'S AUNT must be some kind of series record. When Alfalfa emerges from the house in the first scene all bleary-eyed and groggy I imagine him being released from some satanic ritual that laid a curse on most of the later films.
The story is nonsense at every turn, the acting is mostly weak (who can blame them) and the lecturing adults are insufferable. It isn't so-bad-it's-amusing, though (like a few of the Metro episodes). It's bad in a depressing way. There is not one entertaining moment in the entire short.