"The Red Dragon" from 1945 finds Charlie (Sidney Toler), Tommy (Benson Fong), and Chattanooga Brown (Willie Best) investigating a crime in Mexico City. They have the help of the big cheese there, Inspector Cavero, Fortunio Bonanova.
In an attempt to steal atomic bomb documents, there have been some shootings - strange ones - two shots, one bullet, and no gun found. A perplexing case for Charlie.
Plenty of suspects, including Inspector Carvero's love interest, Margarite (Carol Hughes), a night club singer called the Countess Irena (Marjorie Hoshelle), and several others, all trying to get the documents from Alfred Wayans (Robert E. Keane).
Toler has one cute scene where he does the rhumba in a nightclub.
For comic relief there was Tommy and Chattanooga. Chattanooga was Birmingham's brother. They had some amusing scenes, but I prefer Mantan Moreland in the chauffeur role, and Sen Yung or Keye Luke. Moreland had an animated face, a cheerful demeanor, and great line delivery. Best had made his career playing the black stereotype, which is difficult to watch today, though he was good.
Some trivia - Marjorie Hoshelle, who played Countess Irena, was married to Jeff Chandler. She reminded me a bit of Lauren Bacall. Hoshelle and she and Chandler's two daughters, born in the late '40s, all died from cancer.
I know the whole film is un-pc, but I do like the Charlie Chan movies.