I wanted to like this. I don't get Sky Atlantic so bought the DVD for 10 pounds. I was 11 in 1971 so know to some extent what things looked and sounded like then.
The whole tone of the thing is false.
Britain was a racist society then (still is to some extent?) but I don't believe news reports would sound like they were National Front members. I used to watch a British TV show called Special Branch (ITV),it was set in London in the 1970s and it got the jargon and the look right. More recently the BBC did a drama called THE YEAR London BLEW UP,it was great,captured the era perfectly.
I was not surprised when I found out the writer is American,he has obviously done some research but he could have done with some local input. I will stick with it,I am half way through it,it might work as a drama but I wish it was more realistic.