"A Legacy of Whining" is a terrific and off-beat comedy focused on midlife crisis, and it's served with a delightful slice of dark humor, loads of fantastic pop culture references, and uniquely colorful characters.
What we have here, ultimately, is a highly engaging buddy movie. Mitch is our whiner in question; he's a fifty-something aspiring actor, and is played with a dry and knowing sense of campiness and neurosis. Endearing, annoying, and manifesting pure retrograde nostalgia, Mitch is just neurotic enough to talk himself out of getting laid at a brothel. He's reacquainted with polar-opposite pal Dunc after thirty years, and off we go.
The engine of "A Legacy of Whining" is its highly engaging script; it brims with humorous dialogue clothed in sarcasm, self-deprecation, gags and one-liners. But that engine is fueled, too, with wistful truths for those of us from a bygone age stumbling through the transformations of a modern age - we ourselves don't really change, but the world sure does. It's in that vast and scary landscape that the big-hearted "A Legacy of Whining" bridges into social satire and delivers its truly unique impression.