If a show isn't all that interesting, I will find myself subconsciously counting the absurd amount of table lamps they've used to dress a set. Set designers just LOVE table lamps. I've seen all 16 current episodes of Fourever You and haven't counted lamps once. In fact, I get so caught up with what's going on that I forget I don't speak Thai and I have to rewind to catch up on the subtitles.
Sure, the show isn't without its flaws. I personally am not a fan of the 3 Stooges slapstick side friendships that seem to get shoe-horned in a lot to these types of series. Also the flow seems too drawn out and disjointed in the Ter/Hill storyline. And the subtitles look like they've been written by an AI who is both drunk, and dyslexic. Just as well I'm fluent in reading between the lines. It's such a pity I haven't been able to get my hands on an English language version of the books this is based on...yet.
I loved the friendship dynamics of the four 2nd Year medical students. It actually looked like they were genuinely friends IRL as well as on-screen. I also quite enjoyed the Ter and North friendship. It looked fun. Sure, the actor who plays Easter goes way too far over the top, but you get used to it. But I'm all in for the Johan/North relationship. Bas and Maxky have brilliant chemistry, and I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline.
The casting directors sure knew what they were doing when they cast Typhoon. I do know some of what's coming in season 2 and I don't know if my poor heart can take it.
Overall, I didn't find the acting to be poor at all, with the exception of just a couple of minor actor roles. I also pay to watch the longer uncut versions, which seem to be 10 minutes longer than what you get for free on YouTube in the UK. No big deal, just swapped in Studio Wabi Sabi and cancelled Disney+...no great loss.