The description of this show states that "Buffoonery ensues" from the premise for this show. Well, I don't know that I would call any of this "buffoonery".
The animation quality isn't all that great, but then neither is South Park. But South Park has better writers, and some hilarious situations. Golan is lucky to give you a laugh an episode. "Funny" is not the same as "absurd".
Golan also seems to be a bit schizophrenic about its style. There are a lot of bodily-function references, some leering at women, and a general contempt for the family that, for some reason, puts up with this "visitor". But it has relatively mild language, perhaps in the hope that it will be suitable for family viewing. Somehow, I don't think it is going to be a major threat to "The Simpsons" in that department.
Sorry, Golan, but you should go back to that alternate universe from whence you came -- and don't let the door hit you on your ample backside on the way out.