First I would like to say that all the atheists, agnostics and everybody else bashing this film and part one before it, if you really didn't like the movies based on the movies themselves then fine so be it, but to come on here bashing the films and whining like pathetic little brats because they promoted God and Christianity is probably one of the stupidest and most idiotically pointless wastes of time because they are Christian movies. WHY ARE YOU GENIUSES SURPRISED THEY PROMOTE Christianity?! Stop bashing our religion just because it's the "in thing", we aren't bothered by it, it won't change our beliefs and you only look like fools acting like you don't care while you constantly hang around talking about it. If you want in just ask, you will be welcomed. That being said, I really enjoyed both films as well as a few others I have seen with David A.R White. It got me thinking about things in my life, it had action though it wasn't watered down with it, i really enjoyed the story. It was a good film and I look forward to part 3 provided one is on the horizon.