I live Derren Brown! In this series he shows how someone can be programmed and brainwashed to kill.
Based on the Bobby Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories, he comprehensively proves that it can be done, talking to their families and friends.
Assuming it is all not setup, (I have seen him live - myself and my girlfriend did not pass the hands glued together task).
However, he has done other shows - like the one with the clown that demands rewatching to verify his claims. And I can only see truth in his claims.
Hypnosis must surely be a super weapon for the military, turning soldiers into robots. Does it still go on, we may never know.
We see how Chris' aim improve massively, people encouraged to jump off buildings, throw deadly acid on others.
It's fascinating and terrifying knowing you can be reprogrammed to do things you would never do.
In episode 1, the ice bath experiment is pretty conclusive evidence that hypnosis and brown is real. Heat cameras show proof.
Like Penn and Teller, he explains the method, but Penn and Teller expose fakes. Brown shows us how our brain works!