This true story, directed by Warren Davis, is based on a middle-aged man's, stuck living out his days as a Real Estate Sales agent, but is encouraged to make a "leap of faith", launching his journey to become a professional actor in Los Angeles. This encouragement comes from his dying friend, who offers "don't end life like me, dying with regrets....". It's truly a touching and inspirational story. The actor's performances were simple, strong and clear, without over- playing the difficult nature of their circumstances. The actual illness of the cancer is never discussed, yet apparent in Robert Catrini's performance of Fred, which is further deepened by his acceptance of his fate, without losing his sense of humor! This leads him to inspire his friend, before he finds himself in his same position. Another character was the Ron Ray role, portrayed by Ron Rogge' (playing the "actor to be", and who I believe based this film on his own experiences). This subtle performance ranged from disappointment of his friend's behavior, to very present moments, as his friend opens his eyes to the fact that life was passing by, being content to only talk about the future, but not striving to achieve it. "It was always next year, next year... one excuse after another." The dialogue, written by Mark Prior, leaves me with some haunting moments that inspired me to re-think my own future...