What struck me about Sacrifice was that it had the feel of a really spooky episode of Monarch of the Glen (2000), somehow confused with an episode of Midsomer Murders (1997), with John Nettles played instead by an American doctor obviously in love with the adventures of Agatha Christie's Marple (2004). It's really a detective story more than a horror story. There is pace and some tension, and I admit I admired the lead's dogged determination. The story is wild, almost wacko, and will certainly make some viewers credulous. The story arc didn't really have any holes in it, which was quite a feat for such a spirally tale. I looked for them, but I have to hand it to the writers, they did a good job. I think the problem was more the premise which was far fetched. Even some of the scenarios beyond the story seemed far fetched. Would there really be a major maternity hospital on an island only reachable by boat? Wouldn't that present mothers with a problem if they came to term early? True, the hospital had a helicopter. The other problem I had was the filmmakers made no attempt to marry the story, with all its heritage, to the cinematography. The location was beautiful, but we only saw glimpses. British lovers of shows such as Marple and Midsomer Murders will enjoy this, but I doubt dire horror fans will be impressed.