This is a really good example of a situation comedy where relatively small and seemingly trivial things can be focused on and expanded into hilarious situations. The show rarely extends beyond the confines of the house and typically revolves around the four main characters with the strange neighbour next door making regular appearances and perhaps another individual included for the particular episode in question.
There is a very strong cast and the comedy is balanced between a decent plot, (or set-up), excellent dialogue and some visual humour. It really does have the feel of a family with the little nuances that make family life very funny at times. This is a quality show, which may be under the radar a little, compared to other more high profile productions, but actually is far better than most of them.
Well worth watching an entire episode, (they wrap themselves up quite neatly and satisfactorily in the end), if you haven't heard or seen it before. Far more people are going to enjoy this than not.