Rachel Mwanza is the war witch of the title, a twelve year old girl who is captured and turned into a child soldier by a violent rebel group fighting undefined government forces in an unnamed African country. Mwanza is quite good as Komona, a kid who has to grow up unnaturally fast. She becomes very proficient with an AK-47, and after surviving an ambush by the enemy, is given the name "war witch" by her leaders. She befriends a boy named the magician, and he looks like a young version of the former basketball player, Dennis Rodman, with platinum blond hair. The two fall in love and escape the rebel fighters, as the film shifts from a war drama to a love story for a brief time. Without giving away too much, there is no happy ending here, and ultimately the theme is just about survival at any cost. A ghost story aspect is part of the plot, a slight reminder of Toni Morrison's "Beloved", a similar mood is shared by the two movies. Rachel Mwanza makes "War Witch" worth it.