"Maybe you're exactly where you need to be." Apple (Hudgens) is a pregnant teenager who escapes her abusive mother (Dawson) and goes to New Jersey in search of her father. After she finds him things don't go as planned. Neither him or his wife think Apple should have the baby so they bring her to a clinic. Knowing that isn't what she wants Apple runs from there and winds up homeless living on the streets and out of garbage until she is taken to a shelter for young pregnant women. Finding that place changes her entire life. After watching the trailer for this I thought I was prepared for how heavy the movie was gonna be. I wasn't. The movie is hard to watch in some parts and knowing that this is based on a true story makes it that much more powerful. The best part and the reason to watch though is Vanessa Hudgens. She so inhabits this character that you forget it's her. She is in a movie with Rosario Dawson, Brendan Fraser and James Earl Jones and they all struggle to keep up with her. The movie does have the feel of Precious and movies like that so it's not one you can watch over and over but it should be viewed at least once if for no other reason then to see Vanessa Hudgens' performance. Overall, a good and powerful movie with a career making performance by Vanessa Hudgens. I give this a B.